“I love the core values of LEO Pharma. Keeping patients at our hearts and helping patients live a more fulfilling life is a great cause, and it is what inspires me to work here”
I was always drawn to the pharmaceutical industry and wanted to be in this field to help patients. With my M.Sc. in Biotechnology, I started my career working with Clinical Research Organizations, but wanted to try the sponsors’ side as well. I am originally from India, and 3 years ago, I got the opportunity to join LEO Pharma as Data Manager. It’s been a wonderful experience, and I love the weather here in Denmark.
The work I do involves very important patient data, making sure the right information is collected and the data is accurate. Because data management is such a central role, we have a lot of other functions relying on us both externally and internally. Driving the flow and mitigating risks while managing different expectations and requirements securing both alignment and quality can provide a considerable challenge, but it is also very rewarding.

I love our warm work culture, and the fact that people always have a smile on their face; always adaptable, always supportive and always ready for new challenges.
One of my favorite social activities in the LEO Pharma community is the Lunch lottery, where chance encounters for individuals during our lunch break are created by a system – ensuring that I get to meet colleagues across the wider organization.
If I could invite any life science pioneer for dinner, I would invite the person who finds the Coronavirus vaccine, or anyone of the pioneers within the field of the vaccination history like Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) or perhaps Edward Jenner (1749-1823), who both won acclaim and became famous for their discoveries.