“At LEO Pharma there is a ‘can do’ attitude and a genuine interest in helping each other. People are made accountable for what they do, they are empowered, and one can influence decisions no matter where you sit in the organization.”
I am heading up the Center for Analytics, a new team focusing on utilizing data and analytics to drive tangible business value to the LEO Pharma organization. Among others, we are building standardized self-service reporting such as Profit and Loss reports, volume/value driver reports and gross/net sales reports. Our vision is to drive new and modern ways of working in the business finance function to create efficiencies through digitalization and automation. All of which aims at making the lives of our finance business partners easier. Looking into the future, we want to explore advanced analytics and drive strategic analytics and business intelligence projects.
The best part of my job is the freedom I get to build the team from the ground up and explore new ways of looking at our data. It is a steep learning curve for the whole team, but it is very satisfactory to see the impact we make in the organization already. Furthermore, I enjoy the constructive discussions we have with a wide range of stakeholders, understanding their challenges and building performant solutions to support them. Driving change and finding the sweet spots where our solutions are standardized and yet meet most requirements across all levels of the organization are challenging albeit motivating parts of my job.
One of the special things about LEO Pharma is the flat hierarchy. No matter where you sit in the hierarchy, you are given the opportunity to own your tasks all the way to presenting your findings. You often get the chance to shine in (top) management meetings and this is very rewarding.
In general, if you dare to be exposed, empowered and you want to make an impact, then LEO Pharma is a very good place to be.
If I could invite any life science pioneer for dinner, I would invite Louis Pasteur (1822 –1895) a French biologist and chemist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization. I find his breakthroughs remarkable in the causes and prevention of diseases, and his discoveries have saved many lives ever since. For instance he created the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax.